Back to my bench for the next project (yes, I’ll revisit the ones I’ve not yet completed) and I’ve decided to convert my Academy 1/72 Tempest V to the post-war Tempest VI. I purchased the Freightdog conversion a few years ago for a “someday” effort.
The conversion consists of 6 parts — chin radiator, leading edge carburetor intake, leading edge oil cooler, dust filter, and 2 oxygen bottles. Instructions are simple, replace the kit radiator, add the bottles and dust filter to the fuselage, cut leading edges of both wings along a panel line and glue the oil cooler and intake.
I cut my leading edge panels a bit too much, resulting in a gap on the top wing that requires filling. Both wings along a pieces are a tight fit and require a lot of test fitting before committing glue. I used cyanoacrylate (aka super glue) but epoxy would also work.
I’ll let it set and dive in again next build opportunity.
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