French Spitfire

Spitfire XVI, TB702/GW-Y, 340 (French) Squadron, G/C 4/2, Ile de France 145 Wing, Drope, Germany, 1945

I chose this subject for three simple reasons: no fuselage stripe, no yellow leading edges, and it’s French. An easy build made even easier, and with a bit of unique color.

The Subject

From photos it appear that as soon as VE Day the air forces in exile painted out the RAF roundels and replaced them with their own national markings. Some using the British style, some not, and in the case of 340 (Free French) Squadron, being Groupe de Chasse 4/2, simply reversed the RAF colors to make the roundels appear in the French style.

This aircraft was part of 2nd Tactical Air Force, supporting Field Marshall Montgomery as he swept through the Low Countries into Germany. From VE Day their role became one of occupation until the forces were fully stood down and disbanded post-war. In the case of 340 it maintained an occupational role until November 1945 when it transferred to the Armee de l’Air.

The Model

This is my fourth Heller Spitfire XVI as part of my batch build this year. This one actually had better detail and the plastic was crisper, so must be one of the earlier releases.

There is nothing additional to add, other than the colors. For the spinner I used Mr Color H77 Tire Black, which is just enough of an off black to look better in this scale. The Dark Green is Tamiya XF-81, Ocean Grey is Hymbrol Hu106, and the Medium Sea Grey is Tamiya XF-83.

Decals are from the Xtradecal sheet 72-192, and went on well with just Daco soft setting solution. 


The best of my batch build, so far. I’ve got one more to finish…

Thanks for looking…


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