Tag: Vallejo
Spanish Henshel
This was my 2021 “no airbrush” kit. Easy, fun, and a good result. Completed in May 2021.
Airbrushing Vallejo Acrylics
How to make them work — sort of I had been reading about challenges airbrushing Vallejo and came into nearly a hundred bottles of Model Color and Model Air, plus some primers. As I’m always looking for better solutions I decided I’d learn how to airbrush them. The first thing I did was mix…
F-4J Phantom Cockpit
Finemolds work in progress, part 1 I started the kit this weekend. I decided to try my hand at painting the raised instrument details instead of using decals. The kit is engineered to support more than one variant. After a little study I clipped the major bits off and cleaned the sprue nibs. The bigger…