An Armor Attempt

T-34/76, Soviet Army, 1944

1/56 scale Warlord Games T-34/76

The Subject

The T-34 was the most produced tank in the Soviet Army in World War II, with over 35,000 produced.  I’m not an armor guy, but this is a tank I recognize and frankly I was surprised at the variations in the basic tank.  I’m learning quickly that tanks had just as much variation as aircraft in this period of rapid development in war fighting equipment and technology.

The T-34’s sloped armor gave it better protection, and the 76mm gun gave it enough of a punch that the German Army was shocked when they invaded Russia during Operation Barbarossa in 1941.  

The Model

This kit is meant to be used as part of war-game of some sort.  The kit includes scoring cards, and other information.  It can also be built in about 3 different configurations, depending on details.  Construction was very easy, the kit went together quickly and I’d essentially finished it within a few hours of starting.  No interiors and few parts…I can get into this!

I painted the kit a simple overall 4BO shade of olive green.  It was just Vallejo Primer titled 4BO which made it easy.  I then painted some details a different color, like the tracks and exhausts.  I then weathered it by just adding a wash, and some brown pastel to discolor the basic green.  A friend who does armor showed me how to use a pencil and add some graphite to the edges, giving it a better “metallic” appearance, at least to my eye.


I enjoyed this build.  My armor knowledge is very limited and frankly this series of kits to build the iconic armor of World War II is something I could get into.  The scale is big enough to be easy and small enough not to take up too much space.


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