Tag: Belgium
Belgian Spitfire XVI
TD231, MN-J, 350th Squadron Belgian Air Force, Fassburg 1946 The last of my Heller XVI kits. The Subject With the war over, many squadrons were allowed to revert their RAF roundels to their home country colors as liberated countries re-constituted their air forces from their RAF organizations. In the case of Belgium, red, yellow and…
Too little, too late
Hurricane Mk I, H-22, Squadron 2/1/2 Aé (Le Chardon or “The Thistle”), Belgian Air Force, Schaffen, Diest, May 1940 This is another one of my Hurricane season builds from this Summer. The Subject Belgium, along with a few other countries, purchased some Hurricanes either just before war started or shortly thereafter. Belgium, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland,…